موقع سماحة السيد محمد علي الحسيني

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 And after 
الكتاب : Moslems in the west and the confrontation of the c   ||   القسم : English books   ||   القرّاء : 2546


with great regret that the dignity of the human being and its rights are wasted and confiscated in our third world, where the human being is forced to immigrate: it is an operation of moving from his country of birth to an other country where he can live in with dignity, and can trust on his life from the destruction or the jail, and on his money not to be wasted. Or the moving to other shelter where he can fulfill his wishes and lives with dignity.

Therefore, it is very rare to see family of ours where there is no member of it who was not forced migrate due to security reasons or due to the civil wars, as in our beloved Iraq, where more than two million had to flee afraid of getting killed or to protect their families from militias who might harm them or to keep their wealth. So we see thousands of them homeless outside their country. Or we see some others were forced to migrate due to the economic conditions as the state in our beloved country Lebanon, where now many young people specially the educated and rich ones are thinking to migrate, perhaps they may find in the west better standard of living and to keep their dignity and their security and peace. So the result is that there are many reasons for migration.

But as there many positive points from the standard of living side, also there are many confrontations the migrant Moslem will face who lives specially in the west.

And these confrontations can be divided into three sections: The interior confrontations, the exterior confrontations, and the message of the west to us.

The interior confrontations: It is the struggle between the ethical values, the good habits, the commitment, and the continuous desires in every street and mall, and the ethical decline, and the bad habits which makes the migrant becomes one of the junk of the west. Just to be the desires consumer, far away from the hereafter, rather the spiritual atmospheres, the Islamic beliefs, the ethical values, and the humanitarian virtues, so he will be melt like the salt in the fresh water.

And so, with great regret many people who has ill spirits has fallen, so the migration had more disadvantages and greater dangers on him from staying in his country. It is a serious matter we should pay attention to it, and one should count to thousand or even million before migration, especially who has kids in their early age, the danger will be greater for sure.


The exterior challenges: In other word, it is the possibility of cultural decline, where it is starts with the decline of values and the inserting of the satanic ideas, since the religion in the eyes of many is a means of some section of the people, and the religion is group of religious rituals, and the cultural attack starts with the kids, especially the kids who were born in the non Islamic country, and he can not speak Arabic and he and his manners are totally different and as a result of that the foreign language will take the place of the Arabic Language and the spoiled atmosphere will dominate the kids, and the corruption and the impudence will live as if it is the habits and the traditions, and the illegal and the prohibited as if it is civilization and advancement. And the Quran (Hoy Book), the prayer, the veil, the drinking of alcohol, adultery means nothing to him, and even the Islamic salute becomes Hi and the farewell becomes Bye. And the Human being will be taken by the cultural decline, and permitting all the illegal and legitimating all the prohibited, and all that the human being does not pay attention to it immediately only after a period of time, where we see the Arabic language the language of the Quran and the residence of paradise became weak and even the people inside their home do not speak it.

And we will see after that they started to change their habits and their manners, even the way of dress and the food, and this leads to the absence of religious commitments, and to disentangle the family ties, even the family visits will stop, there is no respect for relatives and there is no dignity for them, the families will lose their kids and the situation becomes worst and can not be counted in hurry now


       أقسام المكتبة :

كتب عقائدية

كتب سيرة أهل البيت (ع)

كتب فضائل العبادات

كتب أخلاقية

كتب فقهية

كتب أصول الفقه

كتب علوم القرآن

كتب ثقافية

كتب سياسية

كتب الرجال والدراية

English books

       البحث في المكتبة :

البحث في متون الكتب

البحث في الفهارس

البحث في أسماء الكتب والمؤلفين


رئيسية المكتبة
أضف الموقع للمفضلة
إجعل الموقع رئيسية المتصفح

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www.Alhuseini.net  -  info@mohamadelhusseini.com  -  0096170659565  -  00966566975705