موقع سماحة السيد محمد علي الحسيني

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 The interior 
الكتاب : Our Message to the Migrants in the Worl   ||   القسم : English books   ||   القرّاء : 2612



And to protect your religion and whoever with you, your wife or your mother or your sister or your daughter, and on your brother and your son and whose around you. So the life is tempting and decorates itself to the human being, and it is corpse with bad smell, and any bliss in it will not last, and each pleasure will not stay. So protect yourself and your relatives from it and from its evils and its corruption, and also the corruption of the society you live in, so your responsibility my dear as your lord said: "O ye who believe! save yourselves and your families from a fire whose fuel is men and stones, over which are (appointed) angels stern (and) severe, who flinch not (from executing) the commands they receive from Allah, but do (precisely) what they are commanded...", so work on the holding on of your religion, and teach your relatives and teach them the jurisprudence and educate them and teach them the true doctrines, and watch whom they walk and talk and make friendship with, So the woman corrupts other woman and the man corrupts the other man, so choose for them the right person who they can benefit from and to help them to strengthen their religion, and do not pay all your attention for the collection of money for your future in your country, for building a house and so on, so your future also is the hereafter so what will you benefit – god forbids – if your relative  or your son went astray or became corrupted? So do not ignore or do not run a way from your religious responsibility, so you are the main responsible on them, so do not forget.


       أقسام المكتبة :

كتب عقائدية

كتب سيرة أهل البيت (ع)

كتب فضائل العبادات

كتب أخلاقية

كتب فقهية

كتب أصول الفقه

كتب علوم القرآن

كتب ثقافية

كتب سياسية

كتب الرجال والدراية

English books

       البحث في المكتبة :

البحث في متون الكتب

البحث في الفهارس

البحث في أسماء الكتب والمؤلفين


رئيسية المكتبة
أضف الموقع للمفضلة
إجعل الموقع رئيسية المتصفح

       تابعونا :


www.Alhuseini.net  -  info@mohamadelhusseini.com  -  0096170659565  -  00966566975705